Amazing closing meeting for the end of Miaw 2021 edition.
The institutional greetings by the Dean of our AUIC School, Prof. Ilaria Valente, and by the Rector’s Delegate for Internationalization of our Politecnico, prof. Stefano Ronchi, was followed by an interesting speech by Pierfrancesco Maran, Councilor for Urban Planning, Green and Agriculture of the Municipality of Milano.
The works, moderated by Prof. Camillo Magni, showed the multiplicity of interpretations that the area of the Porta Romana.
Quick presentations made by each Atelier were introduced by their own professor, who shortly have defined the horizons, the approach, and the organization of the works.
The results will be soon shown in a virtual exhibition in which the book Miaw 2021.2026 OLYMPIC GAMES AND THE CITY. The challenging urban regeneration of Milano Porta Romana rail yard, edited by LetteraVentidue, will be presented to the public.
Stay tuned!
Category Archives: MIAW 2021
TODAY IS THE DAY: unveiling the final projects for Porta Romana rail yard
Last full workshop day: completed! We are all looking forward to attending the final presentation of the projects tomorrow morning, with special guests and discussants! Everybody is invited at 10 am on MIAW Teams channel. Today, Donatella Fioretti – introduced by Nicole De Togni – concluded the Speed Talk program with a fascinating reflection, placing architecture in a very realistic and concrete scenario. The projects illustrated from her professional experience brought out the strong relationships between the hardest part of architecture (materials, structure, regulations) and the more poetic one, facing the new skills and visions required by the contemporary project. Virginia Woolf’s words concluded the presentation, bringing out the difficult work of the architect, “who has to follow the fragility of the idea, but to realize it with the hardness of iron”.
SECTION A – Dubois
Today at Atelier A, the students are finalizing their projects, working on graphics, and showing their point of strength inside the proposals. Moreover, they managed to overcome a big challenge, such as creating a general 3D model that will be essential for future common drawings.
#linearinfrastructure #verticalcity #performativelandscape
#teamwork #finalpresentation
SECTION B – Fioretti
The week has come to a close. Today during revisions we packaged the projects as best we could. We are all very satisfied, both with the work done and the final result. Thanks to Professor Fioretti and to the students!
#finish #dedication #contentment #differences #merits
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Last adjustments before tomorrow’s presentation! A long night attends students to finalize their projects and make them the most attractive and communicable.
#view #renders #photomontage #editing #presentation
SECTION D – Cavallo
The students are currently finalizing the projects for tomorrow’s final presentation. All the masterplan are defined, and therefore it is time to show the catalyst elements of the projects.
#multiscalarapproach #greenspaces #connectingthecity
#urbanlandscape #towards2026
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today in the atelier we discuss the final presentation and we try to homogenize all the works.
#finalday #discussion #lastdrawings #end
The work in our five classrooms, virtual and not, now is becoming increasingly intense. An alternation of individual work between groups and progress of the projects presentations to their mentors and to some professors of the Politecnico di Milano, “visiting” for a day. The fourth speed talks, introduced by Elena Fioretto, “Singular Territories” by prof. José Maria Sanchez Garcia focused on another theme very interesting for the students. Precise reasoning on the relationship between project and territories declined in four different situations, four different programs, but with the same delicate way of approaching the project. The record of the lecture is available here. To know more about Professor Sanchez Garcia’s professional work visit
SECTION A – Dubois
Today at Atelier A, the students are finalizing their projects, starting to prepare the final drawings, and exploring different ways to communicate their ideas. Moreover, they collaborated to structure together with a common narrative for the presentation of Saturday.
#linearinfrastructure #verticalcity #citybalcony
#permeability #publicvsprivate
SECTION B – Fioretti
With today, we are almost at the end of the workshop, and projects are being finalized. The design of the park and the urban layout are done, now it’s time to produce the best possible drawings. We are hopeful, one more day of reviews and the work will be completed.
#goal #growth #working #define #awareness
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Students are filing the final details: materials, finishes, and green design have now been chosen. Now the challenge is to best represent and communicate the project, but the inspiring lecture taken today on this by prof. Irrarázaval will surely help!
#brutalism #sketches #rocks #references #communication
SECTION D – Cavallo
With the 3rd mid-workshop presentation, the development phase of the projects is over. After the general strategic vision has been conceived, the six groups of students are currently working on the catalyst points of the project that will be designed deeply and shown in the final presentations.
#catalystelements #connectivity #regeneration #landscapedesign
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today we had as a visiting professor Massimo Ferrari, and together we discussed the main reasons for the projects. Now we are going to present the work of our atelier in a collective way, finding solutions that you will see at the end!
#discussion #collective #connection #boundaries #radicality
17/02 | MIAW DAY 5
Today we had the chance to attend the Speed Talk by Roberto Cavallo, introduced by Martino Mocchi. He shared interesting cases from his professional experience in the Netherlands, revealing innovative methods and visions of the project, very useful to be confronted with the case of Porta Romana rail yard. The lecture focuses on the interactions between infrastructures and cities, in relation to urban transformations, introducing a deep reflection on the theme of “connection”. The many levels that lay behind this concept go from the large urban scale, reaching up to the architectural and technological ones, including the relation with local people.“The project of the connection is something open, fostering a dynamic transformation of place. We are not able to generate connections until we ask ourselves what we want to connect – and why”.
SECTION A – Dubois
The students had the opportunity to present their work and receive some interesting feedback from the invited Professor Elena Fontanella. Now the challenge is to work together (virtually) to investigate the topic of “variation” along a linear infrastructure.
#verticalcity #linearinfrastructure #spatialcontinuity #visualconnections #sharedliving
SECTION B – Fioretti
In the atelier of Professor Fioretti we divided the day in two parts: at the beginning there was a short but important communication about some significant types of social housing. Then, together with the guest professors Francesca Belloni and Francesco Bruno, we discussed some design issues during the ordinary reviews.
#relationship #complexity #linearity #suggestions #teaching
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Students from all over the world are contributing to the projects with their personals backgrounds. Aerial walkways, cybernetics parks, trees species and monumental arenas: each project is enriching by developing its own peculiar character finding inspiration in the world of art and nature.
#arenas #bridge #theatre #structure #malevic
SECTION D – Cavallo
Moving forward right to the final definition of the ideas. Now it is the time for the specific close-ups, the fragments that would represent the whole story… The students had the 2nd mid-workshop presentation. The concept for each projects is defined, now it is time to design with a higher degree of detail the green areas and the inner circulation system of the area.
#urbanconnection #socialinvolvement #publicspace #urbancourtyards #greeninfrastructure
SECTION E – Sánchez García
In the atelier of professor Sànchez Garcìa we were able to have a discussion with every group. The aim was on the one hand to clarify the various themes and on the other to understand wich were the better drawings to represent these ideas.
#masterplan #ideas #community #clarity
This fifth working day ended with the Speed Talk by prof. Roberto Cavallo, introduced by Martino Mocchi.
The lecture has been recorded and it is available here:
The purpose of architectural education is not only to train professionally capable and brilliant architects, but rather critical intellectuals with a moral conscience.”Introduced by prof. Elena Fontanella, the prof. Hervé Dubois choose to start his speed talk of today (the recording is available here) with a tribute to Luigi Snozzi’s work. References and personal experience build the precise lecture on the theme of the House with a several projects, that for sure will give a help to the students in the interpretation of the topic they are deal with. The forth intensive day is going to end. Half way point for our students, mentors and tutors.
SECTION A – Dubois
Today at Atelier A, the students have presented their projects going in-depth into the chosen topic. We set up a virtual round table discussion to condense all the design proposals into a unique architectural and spatial solution.
SECTION B – Fioretti
The students took their positions, explaining their compositional reasons. Some are focusing more on the park, some on the buildings, and some on the connections between north and south, crossing the railroad. It’s time to think about how best to describe the projects, which are all very impressive.
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Projects evolve: the forms are refined, the structures begin to become concrete and the relations with the city are now defined. Now it’s up to the functional program!
SECTION D – Cavallo
The six groups are working on the general masterplan for the area of the Porta Romana railyards, combining the conceptual strategy with the design actions at the base of their projects.
SECTION E – Sánchez García
In the atelier of Professor Sánchez García today a lecture about project references and architectural themes was presented by the tutors. After that we have continue with the project reviews.
This fourth working day ended with the Speed Talk by prof. Hervé Dubois, introduced by Elena Fontanella.
The lecture has been recorded and it is available here.
…design activities underway… the final week of the workshop has begun! Students and tutors are working within their ateliers in different modalities – by groups, individually, in public sessions. The focus is on connections, hierarchies, public spaces, infrastructures. Porta Romana rail yard will be part of the system for winter Olympic Games 2026, including other districts of South Milan – e.g. Porta Giulia, hosting an arena for 15.000 spectators. As in other cases – recently EXPO 2015 – big events are an opportunity for fostering urban renewal and regeneration. In this context, the legacy of the Olympic Games will provide about 2.000 new beds to students: an important contribution to developing the HE system and an opportunity for introducing innovative forms of living and dwelling in Milan.
SECTION A – Dubois
Here some highlights of the first milestone. The students have shared their design results about the linear infrastructure to define a set of topics they want to approach in future steps. The different ideas will converge into a communal and shared design proposal to rethink the area of Porta Romana railyard.
SECTION B – Fioretti
Today at the atelier held by architect Donatella Fioretti there was a lot of talk about urban logic and hierarchy inside the project. Students start working at different scales, in order to focus on singularity without losing the urbanity of the intervention. There is still much to be done, but projects are taking shape.
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Back to work after the weekend! Today busy day of reviews in Irrarázaval classroom trying to find the right balance between shape and construction system. Next goal: give forms a meaning!
SECTION D – Cavallo
Today the students presented their state of advancement to prof. Roberto Cavallo for the 1st mid-workshop review, focused on the analysis of the area and on the preliminary strategic concept produced by each of the six groups.
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today we have a discussion about the first ideas of masterplan given by students’ groups, trying to develop some topics that in the days before came out.
Sunday…free day!
After two days of intensive work and lectures, Sunday is a free day for our students and our visiting professors!
They are starting to deal with the theme of the Olympic Village for the winter games Milano-Cortina 2026, in the big empty area of Porta Romana railyard, one of the seven dismissed railyard that surrounds Milano without closing it. It was born in between the two historical axes that connected the city of Milano with Piacenza (Via Aemilia, today Coso Lodi) and Pavia (today Via Ripamonti) in a portion of the city on the edge of the countryside, today Parco Agricolo Sud. With the coming of modernity, Porta Romana becomes an important landing place for goods, whose construction and evolution is documented in the beautiful paintings by Umberto Boccioni, who saw the growing and changing of the area from his balcony. We will soon know how each atelier will interpret these traces and how the new projects will dialogue with the city that grew up outside its boundary.
Second full workshop day: the groups have continued with their work within the Ateliers coordinated by visiting professors. “Infrastructures”, “connections”, “voids”, “urban scale”, “green areas” are the more common and shared keywords that emerged from the reflection. In the next few days, the projects are deepening into the architectonical scale. Here some numbers to frame the intervention: 187.226 sqm Land Area, 50% dedicated to Green. 164.000 sqm Total GFA, of which 68% dedicated to Free GFA and 32% to Subsidized Housing. Great quantities that will change the face of the city.
SECTION A – Dubois
Today at the Atelier held by Professor Dubois, the students have presented their firsts thoughts about the new linear infrastructure, defining a dynamic public round for new relations within the city of Milan.
SECTION B – Fioretti
Today we have made some reviews and we have focused more on the project, starting to analyze the architectural and typological aspects of the buildings. In addition, the park design and connecting infrastructure are also beginning to be described. The projects are very interesting, they have a lot of potentials
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Projects start to take shape in Irrarázaval classroom! Students showed their ideas for Scalo di Porta Romana and between grids, diagrams, and art pieces projects go on inspired by two exciting lectures on “Repetition in architecture” and “Prefabricated systems” by professor Irrarázaval.
SECTION D – Cavallo
The students are working on the interpretative analysis of the area that will result in the general strategy of their projects, combining the morphological and socio-economical potentialities and limits of the Porta Romana railyard.
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today we worked on the strategic approach, talking about some aspects of this part of the city. We talked about some topics such as parks, architecture as infrastructure, linear city and boundaries.
All the students, guided by their mentors and tutors, in their virtual classrooms, today started to show their impressions and sketches about the place, Porta Romana, and reasonings about the interpretation of the theme proposed by this Miaw2021 edition. Specific lectures that explain various topics and approaches towards urban design were held in each classroom, as well as collective discussions and reviews.
SECTION A – Dubois
#linearinfrastructure #spatialcontinuity #verticalcity #permanencevsmodification #sharingcommunity
SECTION B – Fioretti
#boundary #atmosphere #urbanism #landscape #identity
SECTION C – Irrarazaval
#diagrams #branches #lines #dots #combs #knots #sewtheedge #palacesforpeople #montage #ecology #hibrydtypoligies
SECTION D – Cavallo
#eventcity #potential #urbanvoid #greeninfrastructure #tangramarchitects
SECTION E – Sanchez
#Inside/outside #walkway&Connections #Greenbelt #Flexibility
This first working day ended with the first Speed Talk by prof. Sebastián Irarrázaval, introduced by prof. Claudia Tinazzi.
Ephemeral and Permanent.
3 set designs + 3 buildings, a clear and deep lecture of architecture, has been recorded and it is available here.
And to know more about prof. Irarrázaval work:
During the intensive week of MIAW Workshop, our Visiting Professors will take some short lectures during lunch/dinner time! Check the programme and join the open conference through this link
Dress rehearsal for MIAW 2021 takes place today. The activities started with the presentation of material, introduced by Giulia Setti, followed by Martino Mocchi, for an overview of the Functional Program. After a plenary session, the more than 100 students involved in the workshop were split into 5 virtual classes for the first discussion with professors and tutors. Different approaches have emerged, which hint at very interesting conclusions, fostering different views of Porta Romana rail yard regeneration. A great kick-off for the beginning of the next working days, during which professors and students will put their expertise to explore and expand possibilities for this metropolitan area.
The recorded event is available here!
The workshop will take place totally online. Let’s meet again on February 12th for the first day of the intensive week!
MIAW2021 Opening Conference is online NOW!
The recorded event is available here
MIAW 2021
The challenging urban regeneration
of Milano Porta Romana rail yard
The MIAW – Milan International Architecture Workshop is the international intensive program of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering. It is an international design forum for schools, teachers and students, but it is also an informal platform to discuss different issues and share ambitions. The aim of the workshop is to stimulate cross-over thinking between researchers and practitioners in the design field, involving different scales and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach towards the design problems. Each class of the workshop is held by an International Guest Professor of high profile whose activity and interests are related to the different study courses and disciplinary areas characterizing our school.
The MIAW 2021 edition will focus on the event of the 2026 Winter Olympic Games Milano-Cortina. The workshop will allow to experiment new architectural approaches that will make the Olympic Games fisically-responsible, socially-sustainable and environmentally-friendly. The classes will focus on urban strategies and architecture projects to be implemented in the sites dedicated to the Olympic Games in Milan, with the intention of transforming the event in an opportunity for the city of Milan through a log-term regeneration process.