Last full workshop day: completed! We are all looking forward to attending the final presentation of the projects tomorrow morning, with special guests and discussants! Everybody is invited at 10 am on MIAW Teams channel. Today, Donatella Fioretti – introduced by Nicole De Togni – concluded the Speed Talk program with a fascinating reflection, placing architecture in a very realistic and concrete scenario. The projects illustrated from her professional experience brought out the strong relationships between the hardest part of architecture (materials, structure, regulations) and the more poetic one, facing the new skills and visions required by the contemporary project. Virginia Woolf’s words concluded the presentation, bringing out the difficult work of the architect, “who has to follow the fragility of the idea, but to realize it with the hardness of iron”.

SECTION A – Dubois
Today at Atelier A, the students are finalizing their projects, working on graphics, and showing their point of strength inside the proposals. Moreover, they managed to overcome a big challenge, such as creating a general 3D model that will be essential for future common drawings.
#linearinfrastructure #verticalcity #performativelandscape
#teamwork #finalpresentation

SECTION B – Fioretti
The week has come to a close. Today during revisions we packaged the projects as best we could. We are all very satisfied, both with the work done and the final result. Thanks to Professor Fioretti and to the students!
#finish #dedication #contentment #differences #merits

SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Last adjustments before tomorrow’s presentation! A long night attends students to finalize their projects and make them the most attractive and communicable.
#view #renders #photomontage #editing #presentation

SECTION D – Cavallo
The students are currently finalizing the projects for tomorrow’s final presentation. All the masterplan are defined, and therefore it is time to show the catalyst elements of the projects.
#multiscalarapproach #greenspaces #connectingthecity
#urbanlandscape #towards2026
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today in the atelier we discuss the final presentation and we try to homogenize all the works.
#finalday #discussion #lastdrawings #end