…design activities underway… the final week of the workshop has begun! Students and tutors are working within their ateliers in different modalities – by groups, individually, in public sessions. The focus is on connections, hierarchies, public spaces, infrastructures. Porta Romana rail yard will be part of the system for winter Olympic Games 2026, including other districts of South Milan – e.g. Porta Giulia, hosting an arena for 15.000 spectators. As in other cases – recently EXPO 2015 – big events are an opportunity for fostering urban renewal and regeneration. In this context, the legacy of the Olympic Games will provide about 2.000 new beds to students: an important contribution to developing the HE system and an opportunity for introducing innovative forms of living and dwelling in Milan.

SECTION A – Dubois
Here some highlights of the first milestone. The students have shared their design results about the linear infrastructure to define a set of topics they want to approach in future steps. The different ideas will converge into a communal and shared design proposal to rethink the area of Porta Romana railyard.

SECTION B – Fioretti
Today at the atelier held by architect Donatella Fioretti there was a lot of talk about urban logic and hierarchy inside the project. Students start working at different scales, in order to focus on singularity without losing the urbanity of the intervention. There is still much to be done, but projects are taking shape.
SECTION C – Irarrázaval
Back to work after the weekend! Today busy day of reviews in Irrarázaval classroom trying to find the right balance between shape and construction system. Next goal: give forms a meaning!
SECTION D – Cavallo
Today the students presented their state of advancement to prof. Roberto Cavallo for the 1st mid-workshop review, focused on the analysis of the area and on the preliminary strategic concept produced by each of the six groups.
SECTION E – Sánchez García
Today we have a discussion about the first ideas of masterplan given by students’ groups, trying to develop some topics that in the days before came out.