01. The exercise arises from the confrontation between the physical transformation of a place, the operation in the peripheral space of the city and the underlying social experience.
With this assumption, and similarly to acupuncture, we propose a mode of absorption of the past, a use of memory as an operative element in the search for project alarm clocks. The aim is to test the importance of the slow course, time and face-toface analysis as a process of (re) discovery and understanding of forgotten places in cities that have in themselves the potentialities to be important orthoses in the urban fabric.
We propose speculation about programs emerging from past circumstances, but that have the potential to create a critical position in the present.
What are these moments of connection in the cities today?
02. The project process should be approached in four structuring
03. The development and submission of tenders shall meet the
following criteria:
03.01 Phenomenological analysis through a guided course
03.02 Morphological analysis of the place
03.03 Historical analysis of the place and the evolution / expansion of
the city
03.04 Synthetic model of the understanding of the urban structure and
the volume of the proposal
03.05 Dialogue and relation of the program with the city.
Abreu WS Abstract
The objective of this work is:
Foster a reflection based on the understanding of the weight of history, memory and time in the construction and continuation of the morphology of a place.
The constitution of an analysis and a (re)critical knowledge that should indicate development strategies.
We do not want the project to be solely focused on the discussion of the object, but especially on the issues of public space, the space of relationship between buildings. We think that the city is made in these spaces where citizens are allowed to live and participate and interfere in the very life of cities. Cities are precisely containers of life and must be open to transformation . The sense of architecture has always had 1 this dimension of building a landscape, a landscape where life, in its day to day life can happen.
The importance of the SCALE, the PROGRAM, the TIME, and the LIMIT reflect the crucial directives for the understanding of this place, and with which it is hoped to achieve the following goals: Enhance transitional spaces and mobility links by implementing bridging paths between forgotten city areas.
Finding in these speculative voids the characteristics of intervention that make possible the urban regeneration duly based on the understanding of the place.
To establish strategies of intervention with relation in the urban structure understanding it as an engine for the coordination of the peripheral territory.
The following functions should be considered in the program:
01. Sports center
02. Leisure spaces
The importance of scale in the intervention
strategy. In this territory there are several
structures of different scales, between San
Siro stadium, San Siro racetrack, Aldo Aniasi
park, metropolitan circulation, and residential
areas. They are various dimensions, scales,
distances and speeds, associated with
program and sports, residential and leisure
resources. On what scales should this
address be addressed?
The conventional exercise of architectural
design in responding to a specific building
program prevails in a significant set of
strategies. The circumscription to a program
function has to overcome the mere
professional response and, thanks to its
territorial articulation, allows to develop lines
of thought that re-establish the place and the
program itself. How can the programmatic
structures interconnect the city?
Abandon the contingencies of the present,
absorbing the past and speculating about the
near future. Foster a reflection that
understands the weight of history, memory
and time in the construction of a place.
Understand the weight of ruin as a connection
to the past. How to build with all the times?
In this territory the meeting of limits becomes
complex. They exist but are not obvious, the
scales and programs are scattered so the
boundaries become imperceptible. These are
limits imposed by fences and security
controls. Ambiguous in appearance and
undefined uses.
How to redesign the boundaries of this place?