What is a school?
What is public space?
How could architecture of a school create public space accessible to the local community?
What is a garden, a court, a plaza? What could be the new forms of living public spaces?
How could spaces imbued with the spirit of learning conjoin the spaces of the city and ultimately the world?
How could we architecturally overcome the traditional separation between private and public and renew the school typologies?
How we as architects could still make meaningful public spaces simply by making strong and beautiful architecture?
We imagine to work with film and animation of spatial images. We think, film could work well here and help us to develop ideas of two different spaces simultaneously, the space of periphery and the space of architectonic construction. Film is a very strong medium. In film, space, time, feelings of people and atmosphere of places are rendered together. Usually film uses architecture. What we are proposing is to use film to create architecture.
The city is not what it used to be. It is everywhere, repeating, aggregating, superimposing. The periphery is not what it used to be, either. Rather, it is a condition made of the loose overlapping of architectural, economic and social aggregates.
Yet, cities and their peripheries are inevitably specific.
What then could be the architectural specificity of the Adriano corner?
During the first day of the workshop we would like to visit the site. We would ask you to make short videos with your phone of spaces of the Adriano corner. The videos should engage objective reality and your subjective experience of the site.
Back to the studio, after a discussion, you will be asked to make a very short text describing the spatial qualities you would like to work with.
Beside working with the text, simple renders and a film, we hope to produce a big model, and to photograph its inside and outside spaces.
Our studio ‘Space and Technique’ at The Oslo School of architecture is concerned with exploring ideas about architectonic space and different techniques of making these ideas possible as real everyday architecture. Technique is meant here in its double meaning, as tools for imagining and representing spatial ideas and as technical know-how to make them physically present as real architectonic qualities.