This site holds aparticular history. A relic and ruinous health care facility with its fences, pavilions and adjacentpromenades that is visually plaguing. The underlying memory of quarantine sits counter tothe future ideal of the city as the ultimate natural public domain.
Through this tension thesmall linear elements observed in aerial view are imagined as immersive corridors whichbegin the re-sewing process; of the city to the periphery, the periphery to nature, theinside to the outside.
The corridor|corridoio is defined by the Oxforddictionary as ‘1. A long passage in a building fromwhich doors lead into rooms’ and ‘2. A belt of land linking two other areas or following a roador river’.
1 As the principalconceptual device for the workshop, the corridor will be considered as themechanism or lens for analysis and the prompt for the speculative re-stitchingresponses. A contradiction in terms, the corridor unites as it divides. Internally, on a microscale, the corridor acts as a spatial organizer connecting primary rooms with routes ofcirculation. Its formal expression and physical manifestation has morphed over time from thegrandiose entry hall to a gross floor area percentage that is in constant negotiation and underthreat on public projects. Its previous generous definition is in a state of flux.
Externally, on a macroscale, the landscape notion of a green corridor allows wildlife a safe passage through habitatthat fosters and protects endemic flora and fauna, a counter measure to the effects of humancivilization. Projects such as the ‘Atlas for the End of the World’2 aim to illuminateplanetary hotspots of bio diversity which are under threat and propose the stitching of these withinterlaced corridors on a global scale as an ‘Atlas for the Beginning’.
2 The connectivity betweenscales and program, as well as the built and natural environments, will be explored anddefined in the following manner:
PROCESS 1: Macrocontextual corridor mappings_
How the city corridors connectto the peripheral corridors connect to the regional corridors
PROCESS 2: Microcontextual corridor mappings_
How in the inside corridors connect toprecedent connect to adjacent sites connect to Riformare
PROCESS 3 Intersections_How moments of overlayprovide opportunities to reconsider the nature of the design and the design of nature.
1 Oxford EnglishDictionary,. ‘Corridor’. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford UniversityPress, 2018.
2 Richard J. Weller,”Atlas for the Beginning” in Richard J. Weller, Clair Hoch, and Chieh Huang, Atlas for the End of the World (2017),